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Security and Control—Howard Thurman

June 15, 2024

As we watch the rise of nationalism and white supremacy in this country, these words from Howard Thurman gives us much to consider as we work for equality and true freedom.

The opposition to those who work for social change does not come only from those who are the guarantors of the status quo. Again and again it has been demonstrated that the lines are held by those whose hold on security is sure only as long as the status quo remains intact. If a man is convinced that he is safe only as long as he uses his power to give others a sense of insecurity, then the measure of their security is in his hands. If security or insecurity is at the mercy of a single individual or group, then control of behavior becomes routine. All imperialism functions in this way. — Howard Thurman

Jesus and the Disinherited (pp. 24-25)

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